Just a Hello


Clare Riley

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. I am not called Edda or Rose, my name is actually Clare! Three awesome children, my rockstar family in England, friends for life, three misfit dogs, not forgetting my stellar husband who embraces every twist and turn our lives take.....this is my life and I love it!

Born and raised in England, I was fortunate enough to live in, what I now appreciate as interior design heaven! My Mum whose name is Rose, is the most naturally creative person I know. Her eye for detail and impeccable taste lent themselves to our beautifully designed and curated homes. We moved frequently and with every new home came a thoughtfully designed space that I was lucky enough to enjoy. Some days, I would return from school to a newly staged vignette, new drapes, or a new treasure from an antique store. Other days Mum and I would spend hours in Laura Ashley choosing wallpapers and fabrics or looking at the latest trends in Habitat! With every season came a fresh style. That was just how I grew up and it was fabulous!

For many years I worked in domestic recruiting. Clients and candidates were my passion, the perfect match never got old. Creating wonderful relationships and having happy clients was at the core of my everyday. My own house projects took a back seat in the early years while juggling young children, a full time career and latterly an overseas move.

As time allowed my own projects grew, as did those for friends, friends of friends and eventually what became clients! All the years of living with my Mum and her creativity finally left its mark. I appreciated how important happy spaces were to me, spaces that made me feel complete, calm and made me smile. This is when I moved into Home Staging for The Giuliani Homes Team. How lucky I am to work with such a successful team. Happy clients remains the absolute core of what we do.

Then I met Shelly...… You know those moments when you meet someone and instantly you know that they are “your person”. You could talk for hours, be comfortable in silence, laugh all day and enjoy a glass of crisp rose together. I remember so clearly our second conversation ever, we stood at the school pickup line talking about wood floor choices - we barely knew each other! You see, Shelly is another “Mum” so unbelievably creative and inspiring…… she is the Edda to my Rose!

Life is a little like design, the stars don't always align but when they do they can create amazing things...... EddaRose Interiors was born!


Shelly Sigler

Hi. I’m Shelly Sigler. I’m a mom, wife, and a lover of all things design related. Life isn’t always easy, but I’m so fortunate to have the support of my husband and my children. My love of design has evolved over the years, but began by watching my mother, Edda, and my Opa (grandfather) work on projects. When I was a little girl, growing up in Germany, I would lie in bed at night watching shadows dance across the wall. I loved how the variance of light and pattern created movement in the space. Living in Europe, we would visit castles in France on field trips and I would be enamored by the use of architecture and the rich color in fabrics and patterns and how elements of design made one room feel so different from the next. 

My father was American and my mother, Edda, was German. My mother always used design tricks to make our homes beautiful, no matter what her budget. We lived in an old farmhouse in Germany. She worked her magic to make it charming and cozy even with it’s awkward layout. We moved to the United States when I was a teenager into a newly built home in Arizona. My mother discovered new stores and resources in the states and worked her magic on that home too. She always had some kind of project going on whether it was designing a gazebo, redoing rooms, or transforming a space with paint. She loved to make our home beautiful for our family and to host gatherings for friends.  

I worked at JPMorgan Chase as the Fraud Executive Correspondent and liaison to the legal department prior to staying home and raising my children. During that time, I enjoyed designing and redesigning my own home, helping friends do the same and eventually becoming a certified home stager and design professional.

By watching and learning, I’ve learned to mimic high end looks without sacrificing the important aspects of the design. My mom taught me that great design is curated and collected. It is a well traveled story. It is a perfect reflection…..of who you are and where you are going.  It still amazes me how textures, color, and pattern can change a space whether you live in a dorm room or a castle.  Great design can make a space feel like an entire different world.  

I met Clare a few years after my mom had passed. Clare had just recently moved to the states. We shared the commonality of growing up in Europe and also a feverish love of design. No one could replace my mother, but it was wonderful to have found a friend who shared the same passions and struggles. Someone to laugh and cry with and never walk away worrying that you had said or done something stupid because she always knows exactly what is in your heart and what you are thinking. She has become my sounding board and confidant. 

I first met Clare’s mum when she was here on a visit from England. I loved her from the second I met her. She is a creative at heart and a beautiful spirit. I know she loves hearing about all of our design adventures! When Clare and I decided to start a business, it felt natural to name it after our mothers. EddaRose isn’t just a business. It is our way of passing forward the love of design that was given to us by our mothers, Edda and Rose.